Diversity, INtegration, Training

Europe is facing as a society some of its major challenges since the end of the WWII. For many European countries, the cultural diversity is a key issue. From the effects of the radicalization and the extremism, to the crisis of the refugees and the asylum seekers or the discrimination of some migrant communities, the question about how to foster the social cohesion and to fight against discrimination is in the middle of the debates in an increasingly culturally diversified Europe…and in the same time a Europe where a large part of population is seduced, politically, by the extreme right statements and positions.

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Programa de financiación

Erasmus+ KA2. Adult education

Presupuesto del proyecto

269.775,00 €

Duración del proyecto

01/11/2018 – 30/04/2021

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Policymakers throughout Europe feel increasing pressure to adopt more effective approaches to secure inclusion but are uncertain how to bring people together to achieve this. It is in this context that the European Commission has called for political leadership to overcome social divisions and to generate acceptance for diversity (New priorities for European cooperation in education and training, Council and EC 2015).

The “Declaration on Promoting citizenship and the common values of freedom, tolerance and non-discrimination through education” (2015) of the ministers of education, expressed an urgent need to cooperate and coordinate, to exchange experiences, and to ensure that the best ideas and practices can be shared throughout the EU, with a view to:

  • • Ensuring inclusive education for all children and young people which combats racism and discrimination on any ground, promotes citizenship and teaches them to understand and to accept differences of opinion, of conviction, of belief and of lifestyle, while respecting the rule of law, diversity and gender equality.
  • • Empowering teachers so that they are able to take an active stand against all forms of discrimination and racism, to educate children and young people in media literacy and language, to meet the needs of learners from diverse backgrounds, to impart common fundamental values and to prevent and combat racism and intolerance.

DIVINT (DIVersity, INtegration, Training) project aims to empower national language teachers and trainers to cope with diversity and boost intercultural and multicultural education in Europe through language education.

The project wants to provide vulnerable group of newly arrived young people (refugees, asylum seekers and migrants) with access to intercultural language training in order to allow them to master the host-countries languages and simultaneously social, civic and intercultural competences…in one-word living-together & doing-together competencies


Coordinator Centrum för flexibelt lärande (CFL) – Suecia

Innovation Training Center, S.L. – España
Vestifex (EE)